Visit us at our NEW LOCATION at 4255 N. MacArthur Blvd, Irving, TX 75038.
OHB is Integrative Medicine Software used by practitioners to more easily assess and manage functional medicine patients. The software is a low cost, HIPAA secure, portal based application, allowing providers to work from any internet connection. Visit the OHB website, learn about our many functionalities and schedule a short, free demo.
OHB also offers a 12 hour (day and ½), live instruction course for providers wishing to get a quick start into integrative/functional medicine. The course is entitled “ Integrative Medicine- Nut and Bolts of How to Practice”. Great for physicians, mid-level providers, pharmacists and nurses. Participants will walk away with the tools they need to start practicing the next day.
You will be provided with:
Training includes the following modules: